Does life feel like a battle?
Does your life ever feel like a battle?
There’s a real enemy of our souls, called Satan, the father of lies. And the Bible says his goal is to steal, kill, and to destroy.
But that’s not what God wants. He wants to give us life to the full. Life feels like a battle because spiritually speaking, it is!
Maybe you’re thinking, Well…who is gonna win this battle?
One of God’s names is Yahweh Sava-ot. It means, The Lord of Heaven’s Armies. He will fight spiritual battles on your behalf. He’s doing it right now. He’s done it your whole life long—even when you could not see it.
God and Satan are not equal adversaries. God is infinitely more powerful. He created the world, He came in human form to save it, and He loves you.
Call on Him today. In the middle of your battles—He will be victorious.
“In the middle of your battles—He will be victorious.”
Zechariah 7:9
“This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Judge fairly, and show mercy and kindness to one another.”