Courage Against Goliath
One of the most famous stories in the Bible is the story of David and Goliath. We first hear about David as a shepherd and the youngest of eight boys in 1 Samuel 16. He wasn’t exactly an intimidating person. Goliath, on the other hand, stood about 7 feet tall – close to 18 inches taller than the average man of that day.
Goliath challenged the Israelites to send a man to fight him, saying that if he was defeated, the Philistines would be servants to the Israelites.
Eventually, David found himself having to fight Goliath to protect the Israelites. So here was David, this smaller-than-average guy – coming up against a larger-than-life bully.
Goliath threatened David, but David stood strong and trusted in the Lord. Despite being under-qualified, smaller, and physically less powerful, David took down Goliath.
We will all face giants in our lives. And when we do, we have two choices. One is to run away in fear. The other is to trust God wholeheartedly and stand firm in our faith and convictions.
Consider what the “Goliath” might be in your life. Then, make the conscious decision: “I will trust God when encountering that or any obstacle.” We know God is more powerful and more capable than even our strongest enemy.
“We will all face giants in our lives. And when we do, we have two choices. One is to run away in fear. The other is to trust God wholeheartedly and stand firm in our faith and convictions.”
Psalm 56:3-4
“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?”