Beloved Child
The day I walked into the orphanage to bring home my daughter, Sadie, she had no idea that I was coming.
This beautiful baby girl from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia—she was vulnerable to the harshness of life in that situation. But when I came in and picked her up in my arms, she became my child.
Wow! This is also what God did for me. This is what He does for each one of us. God picked me up, held me in His arms, and marveled at me like any father would. I became a new creation—a child again.
How does it feel—for you—to consider that God would hold you safely and securely in His arms—that you can rest safely in those arms?
When you give your heart to Jesus Christ, God becomes your Father—and you His beloved child.
“When you give your heart to Jesus Christ, God becomes your Father—and you His beloved child.”
John 14:18
“No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you.”