So I was digging through a pile of things my wife was throwing away and I found a bulb. It had been given to me and I had forgotten to plant it.
Read MoreWhen the Father forsook the Son in that moment, He created a way so that you and I will never be forsaken by Him.
Read MoreAs believers in Jesus, we know that we are called to love everyone. But the hard part is truly living out that love!
Read MoreHave you ever known someone who seems to make progress in a certain area of their life, only to fall back into old habits? A friend of mine named Ben was going through a tough season in His life.
Read MoreHave you ever been part of a team or club? I’m from Argentina, and over there, soccer—or as we say, “football”—is the most popular team sport. People who play together on the same team wear matching jerseys so everyone knows what team they’re a part of.
Read MoreHave you ever tasted a cool, refreshing Coca-Cola? So have hundreds of millions of people around the world.
Read MoreJournalists love to ask my opinion about politics. I always decline to comment. I won’t even tell them how I’m registered to vote.
Read MoreWhen I’m interviewed by the media, they often ask about my opportunities to speak about the Good News of Jesus Christ with presidents, prime ministers, parliaments, and royalty. In my early years, I thought that if I could convert them, somehow we would change nations. But that’s not how the Good News works.
Read MoreWhen it comes to God, the Bible, the Church, and the Good News of Jesus Christ, a lot of Christians talk nostalgically about the “good old days.” They idolize past generations as more faithful than ours.
Read MoreSome people like to cite bad news headlines about the state of the Church and then ask if I’m wringing my hands these days. My honest answer is: I feel a great deal of hope.
Read MoreI’ve noticed lately that there is a major dividing line in Christian conversation- there are those who emphasize proclamation and conversion, and those who emphasize discipleship. And I want to ask the question- why must it be one or the other?
Read MoreIs faith in Jesus Christ anti-intellectual? I think there can be a perception for some that in order to come to faith in Christ, they need to check their brain at the door.
Read MoreAs Christians, should we focus on this world or the world to come? I say we should focus on both!
Read MoreLaw and Gospel. They are two distinct but essential parts of our faith.
Read MoreThere is a common saying you may have heard, “Christianity isn’t a religion, it’s a relationship.” But you know, I don’t think it needs to be an either/or.
Read MoreIt’s so tragic: The world today is overflowing with hate. It’s overflowing with hate blogs, hate tweets, hate phone calls, hate voice mails, hate e-mails, and old-fashioned hate letters.
Read MoreThe world can be a very unpredictable and frightening place. It seems like it is getting more and more violent with each passing day.
Read MorePart of life here on earth is loss. It’s one of the hardest parts of being human. We can lose people, relationships, jobs, homes, and any number of other things.
Read MoreDid you ever switch schools when you were young? Remember the first day on the playground, when you didn’t know who to play with or what to do?
Read MoreThere are some stories that come up in every children’s Sunday school class. One is the story of the Good Samaritan.
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