Jesus is a Wonderful Savior


Let me read you what a young woman named Katie wrote. She lives in my hometown, Portland, Oregon, which has a large percentage of non-religious residents.

Katie wrote: "I was raised in a postmodern home where there was a void of talking about anything spiritual. I remember one of the biggest hurdles for me was actually the idea of sin. This isn’t something that is talked about in non-Christian homes. At least, not in mine. Once I was able to wrap my mind around the idea of sin and therefore the need for Jesus, the rest happened pretty quickly. I remember realizing that Jesus wanted me to know Him. I also realized that I wanted Him too, and I became a believer."

We recently received this email from Stella. She said, "My youth was a time of confusion. I was a leftist militant, into New Age, metaphysics, yoga. I challenged God to show me the way of truth because I was a sceptic and did not believe in religion. In His love He heard me and I happened on a radio program where Luis Palau was speaking. His simple, effective, and convincing message penetrated, healed and restored all areas of my life."

I never get tired of hearing salvation stories. It’s evident that God is still changing lives. Let’s continue to tell His Good News to those who are looking for hope and truth.

 “I never get tired of hearing salvation stories. It’s evident that God is still changing lives.”

Romans 5:8

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”