The Way of Purity
The Bible tells us that a Christian is someone who walks in the way of life. Did you know that? And that way is in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, John 14:6.
You may ask, "What kind of a way is this ‘way of life’?"
First, it is the way of peace.
Second, it is the way of purity. The Bible says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God," Matthew 5:8.
You may be a "nice" person. But if you are fooling around with sin; if you are playing with immorality; if you are not being truthful in your business; if you are dishonest in your school, in your work, in your play, in your family life, then you are not living the life that Jesus wants for you. Real life. Exciting life.
When you come to Jesus Christ, He forgives your sins and purifies your heart. That doesn’t mean you become proud. On the contrary, you become more conscious of your shortcomings. But God gives you His own power to live a righteous life.
Today, receive God’s power to live a righteous life. Why wait? Go to our website,
“When you come to Jesus Christ, He forgives your sins and purifies your heart.”
Matthew 5:8
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”