Who have you told?


Over and over again in the Bible Jesus tells people who He has healed or helped to return home and tell how much God has done.

Here is the question: Has God helped you? Can you think of a prayer He’s answered recently?

Has He comforted you in some way? Forgiven you? Has He whispered truth to you that comforts you in your darkest night? Tell someone!

The greatest lie the enemy whispers to us all is that God isn’t good. But when we – followers of Jesus – proclaim His goodness, share our stories, testify about His faithfulness, those lies are silenced and hope springs up. 

This Christmas season is a perfect time of year to share God’s goodness with someone in your life. Tell someone how much God has done for you.

“The greatest lie the enemy whispers to us all is that God isn’t good.”

Mark 5:19

 “But Jesus said, ‘No, go home to your family, and tell them everything the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been.’”