We Are Ambassadors


An ambassador is a privileged position. The President handpicks this high-ranking official and sends him or her to a group of people.

Then, as instructed, the ambassador delivers the leader’s message. The ambassador does not create the message, but simply communicates it.

It’s good to think about this role because it’s one that has been given to each of us by God Himself. If you are in Christ, you are Christ’s ambassador. As II Corinthians says, it’s “as though God were making his appeal through us.” What an honor!

When we share God’s message, of course we want our delivery to be great. But, we must remember that it is the Good News itself that carries power to change a life.

It is not the messenger; it is the message itself that is the power of God unto salvation.  God will present times and places for you to deliver His message. All you must do is be faithful to do so.

Keep your eyes open and pray. Study God’s Word. It is His message. Memorize key scripture passages. Ask God for creative, thoughtful, ways to deliver His Good News. Let the Holy Spirit and the Word guide you. Take time before the Lord listening to His voice.

And, thank you. Thank you for being an ambassador. Thank you for carrying God’s message to those who are lost, fulfilling your purpose as you reach your world. 

 “God will present times and places for you to deliver His message. All you must do is be faithful to do so.”



2 Corinthians 5:20

“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”