The Unbelieving Lawyer


Once I was in the United Kingdom on the BBC and they were interviewing me, and people were calling in with their questions.

I was explaining how to meet Jesus Christ and have the joy and pleasure and fullness of life that He brings.

A man called me up from another city and he said, “I’m an attorney. I’m happily married. We have two daughters, my wife and I. We’ve got plenty of money. We’re in great health, we enjoy vacations in Europe, and life is wonderful. How can you say,” he asked me, “that it’s only through Jesus Christ that you can enjoy life in its fullness? I’m enjoying life tremendously.”

So I said to him, “Well, sir, congratulations. I’m glad that you’re physically in good shape and enjoying a good life. I’m so glad you’ve got money and in your intellect and emotions and education you’re having a great time. But,” I said to him, “you’re missing out on one-third of your life, and it’s the most important one-third of your life.”

He said, “What do you mean?” and I said, “You’re missing out on the spiritual side. You don’t believe in God, you said. You don’t know Jesus Christ. You don’t read the Bible. You’re missing out on one-third.  He said, “What do I do to enjoy the one-third?” I explained it and I was hoping he would say, “Alright, I’m ready.” But he didn’t. He turned it down.

Are you missing out on one-third of your life? If so, come quickly to Jesus Christ, right now.

“Are you missing out on one-third of your life? If so, come quickly to Jesus Christ, right now.”



Matthew 16:26

“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?”