That means you!


Did you know that the Bible is about you?

It’s about so many things, but yes, it’s true! The Bible talks about all the people of the world…our struggle, the love God feels towards us, and the good plans He has for us.

When Jesus entered the world as a baby, the angel announced that it was Good News! Not just for a few people, not just for those who were religious. The angel declared that this news of Jesus’ birth would bring great joy to all people.

And that, of course, includes you!

You might be thinking, “What does the birth of Jesus have to do with me?”

Well, Jesus came for a purpose. He came to draw all people to Himself. He came to offer you a fresh start and a new life. He came so that you can be forgiven of your sins, and begin a free life, strengthened by a powerful friendship with the Living God.

Remember, there is always hope with God.

“He came so that you can be forgiven of your sins, and begin a free life, strengthened by a powerful friendship with the Living God.” 

Luke 2:10

“I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.”