There Aren't That Many Barriers


After all these years, I sometimes still get butterflies sharing the Good News with someone I know.

Here’s what we all need to remember: We never know what another person will think about the message of Good News.

Who are we to kill a conversation about Jesus Christ before it begins? But many Christians are more worried about what the other person is thinking about them than what the Lord told us to tell them.

Yes, it’s a shame Christianity has been painted by some as extremist. In response we can only do our best to demonstrate what real Christians are like—and not get inside our own heads all the time to try and prepare for fallout that usually never happens.

The real stories are stories about the generosity of Christ followers, the sacrifices we make, and the love and joy we show in the name of Jesus [1 John 3:23].

In the end, I don’t think there are that many external barriers to evangelism. We imagine there are, but that’s on us. We hold ourselves back.

Many perceived obstacles transform into open doors when you get close to people in faith and love. Give it a try today.  Then write me and tell me your experience.  It’ll help and encourage me!

“Here’s what we all need to remember: We never know what another person will think about the message of Good News.”



1 John 3:23

“And this is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us.”