Have you ever reacted to something that you already knew was going to happen?
Consider Mary Magdalene in the Gospel of John, when she goes to Jesus’ tomb and sees that His body is not there. She frets and fears and cries out, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!"
And the disciples, too, were devastated to learn that Jesus’ body was missing. Even though Jesus had told them repeatedly, “I will be crucified. I’ll be buried for three days. On the third day I’ll rise up again.” They forgot. They still did not get it.
Sometimes even TODAY we act surprised that Jesus rose from the dead! We forget what a staggering thing it is to become a follower of Jesus Christ.
We get caught up in the day-to-day Christianese. When what we should be doing is reveling in the tremendous reality that we have a Savior that’s alive. He died for our sins and rose again from the dead!
Today, let the so-called “surprise” of Christ’s resurrection – more like awe and wonder - overwhelm you all over again. You will relate better to those who have not yet begun to follow Him.
Put yourself in their shoes and remind them of the truth: He is alive today, having conquered death for you and me!
“Today, let the so-called “surprise” of Christ’s resurrection – more like awe and wonder - overwhelm you all over again.”
Matthew 28:6
“He is not here! He has risen, just as he said he would!”