How to Respond to Suffering


How we respond to suffering—whether we brought it on ourselves or not—is going to either make us or break us as Christians. Circumstances often do more to reveal our character than to shape it.

But by properly responding to trials, we can develop patience and a proven character [Romans 5:3-4].

Problems, stress, calamity, or the death of a loved one often cause us to search ourselves for any sin in our lives [see 1 Kings 17:18].

Pain plants the flag of truth in a heavy heart. But we must be cautious not to let Satan overwhelm us with excessive and false guilt or grief [2 Corinthians 2:7].

Job’s wife told him to curse God and die. He refused to give up and remained faithful to the Lord. Notice that in the end, God gave him all he had before and even more [Job 42:10-17].

Instead of looking at our circumstances, we need to keep our eyes on our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of life.

He will bring us through whatever situation we face, and as a result we will be stronger Christians, better able to serve Him because of our trials.

“Instead of looking at our circumstances, we need to keep our eyes on our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of life.”



Job 42:10

“When Job prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes. In fact, the LORD gave him twice as much as before!”