Stand strong through life's storms...


As a boy, one day I was at school while my parents were at a doctor’s appointment. They sat in stunned silence, trying to block out the doctor’s words. He said, “The tumor is malignant and radical surgery must be performed immediately. We can’t delay.”

Have you ever received news like this? News that feels so devastating that it could turn your world upside down? 

After they got home, my dad was crying in his office when he heard a familiar hymn. It was my mom—playing the piano and singing the old hymn, “How Firm a Foundation.”

In her devastation and distress, my mom turned to the Lord. She found strength and security in the firm foundation of her life with Jesus.

No one in this life is exempt from struggles, heartaches, and difficulties. Maybe you’ve reached the point of feeling as though your foundation is little more than sinking sand. You’ve tried to be a good parent, a good spouse, a good steward of your money, but everything still feels like it’s falling apart.

Storms will come—but will your house stand? The Bible says that everyone who hears the words of Jesus and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on a firm foundation.

Jesus is the only trustworthy foundation on which we can build our lives. Other foundations shift, tremble, or crumble. You can come to Jesus right now and build your life on the only foundation that will never fail you. 

Will you pray this right now with me?

“Lord, I need You. I recognize that until now my life has been built on shifting sand. I repent of not building my life on You. I want to read Your Word and live it out today.” Amen!

It’s not too late for you to come back to the firm foundation of life in Jesus. Start today by opening your Bible and reading a chapter or by going to to read in your native language. He is our firm foundation!


“Jesus is the only trustworthy foundation on which we can build our lives. Other foundations shift, tremble, or crumble.”


Luke 6:48

“They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.”