How to Keep Shining


It’s easy to see the shine of a new diamond ring from across the room. But over time, that shine can dull as dust collects on it.

You’ve probably heard the famous children’s hymn that goes, “This little light of mine. . . I’m going to let it shine.” But what does it mean to shine? And why does it seem that – like diamonds – we, too, can lose our luster?

In the Gospel of John verse 1:9, Jesus is called “the true light, which gives light to everyone”. And throughout the New Testament, the followers of Jesus are told to be lights in the darkness.

Trying to shine on our own can be exhausting. Instead, we’re simply called to be closely connected to God and remain in Him. When we do, His light pours forth through us in powerful, brilliant ways that change the world. The ways we shine might not make the news, but they make even more of a difference than we can see.

Take a look at your life today and consider how you may be hiding the light that God has placed within you to shine to the world around you. Do you have sin or harmful habits that are keeping others from seeing the true joy and light of the Gospel?

The world needs this light now more than ever. There are so many people searching for worth and hope and understanding and we have the answers in Christ.

God’s Word – the Bible - is filled with the answers to these questions.
Stay close to Jesus – the true Light – and shine on.

 “The ways we shine might not make the news, but they make even more of a difference than we can see.”



John 1:9

“The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.”