Respect, not Fame
Outstanding achievement can certainly get a person noticed. But that kind of fame and popularity can also quickly disappear.
Respect, on the other hand, is earned through experience and relationship and can last a lifetime.
I met a humble gentleman in Pakistan whose name will never be widely known, but I admire and respect him. He is a quiet leader among Christians in that country, serving others with grace and kindness.
As I travel to various countries around the world I meet others like him, and they earn my complete respect through their humble service to God and to His Church.
There is a verse in the Bible, in First Samuel 18, which says, “In everything he did he had great success, because the Lord was with him.”
That’s the secret isn’t it? Let’s not try to make a name for ourselves, but rather serve God in His power.
“Let’s not try to make a name for ourselves, but rather serve God in His power.”
1 Samuel 18:14
“David continued to succeed in everything he did, for the Lord was with him.”