A Renewed Vision
Have you ever tasted a nice, refreshing Coca Cola? Perhaps the word “Coke” is already making your mouth water!
The Coke brand has become popular all across the world, partially because of a guy named Robert Woodruff. You see, Woodruff served as the president of Coca-Cola from 1923-1955, and during that time he said his vision was for everyone in the world to taste Coca-Cola!
Now that’s a a big goal! But Woodruff helped make this vision a reality because he believed passionately in the Coca Cola brand and product.
This story makes me think about us as believers. How many more people would hear the Good News if we truly believed in the power of Jesus as passionately as Woodruff believed in the Coca-Cola brand?
I think that if we felt this passionately about Jesus, we would feel more confident in talking to people in our life about the Good News. We wouldn’t be able to contain ourselves! The Bible encourages us in Ephesians 4:23 to be “renewed in the spirit of your minds”!
This week, pray for a renewed spirit. Spend time in the Bible, and really mediate on God’s amazing truth! When you feel passionately about Jesus, you won’t be able to resist finding a way to share Him with others!
“How many more people would hear the Good News if we truly believed in the power of Jesus as passionately as Woodruff believed in the Coca-Cola brand?”
Ephesians 4:23
“Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.”