What Real Love Is


I’ve talked before about a “God-shaped hole.” It’s a funny term, but it describes the needs that each of us have which only God’s love can fulfill.

Deep within our soul, we long to know God’s love. We long to be accepted just as we are. But sometimes, we mistake this longing and latch on to counterfeit love from another person.

We try to fill our “God-shaped hole” with another person’s love or approval. The trouble is, when we derive our sense of worth, or value, or get our needs filled from another human, we will always be let down. Even if the relationship or friendship lasts, at one point or another, we will experience a disappointment.

So, how can we avoid feeling despair when this happens? Well, if we’re followers of Christ we can make sure it doesn’t happen by remembering daily God’s love, and getting our worth and value from Him!

Romans 5:8 says, “But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Friend, we don’t have to earn God’s love—and He will never let us down. I urge you today to let God fill your “God-shaped hole.” Share with those around you about His consistent, unending love.

“The trouble is, when we derive our sense of worth, or value, or get our needs filled from another human, we will always be let down.”



Romans 5:8

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”