Paying Attention
Technology is amazing. None of us could ever have imagined twenty years ago that it would be possible to carry small computers in our pockets.
But now, whenever I go to a public place, all I see are people looking down at their phones. People look down at their phones so much that I heard some chiropractors are getting rich fixing people’s sore necks and backs.
A side effect of being so focused on technology is that people aren’t paying attention to what’s going on around them anymore.
I’ve seen people almost get hit by cars or walk into light poles, because they weren’t aware of what was happening around them. Not to mention that no one even looks at the people around them.
Jesus always noticed people. Once when he was passing through Jericho, He looked up in a sycamore tree, and who did He see? Zacchaeus! He was desperate to see Jesus. Jesus not only knew Zacchaeus was there, He also knew that Zacchaeus needed to know His love. So he said, “Zacchaeus, come down! I’m coming to your house for dinner.”
At the end of the night, Zacchaeus became a follower of Jesus, because Jesus’ purpose was to “seek and save the lost.” As followers of Jesus, that is our purpose too.
So, let’s look up from our phones, look around, and notice those who are desperate to know Jesus.
We need to pay attention to those who need the precious love of Jesus, like we did in our day.
“So, let’s look up from our phones, look around, and notice those who are desperate to know Jesus.”
Luke 19:5
“And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today.’ ”