Obedience in Evangelism
I’m an evangelist. I love to tell people about God’s love for them and the salvation He offers. But all Christians are called to be witnesses and ambassadors for Christ.
The first step is to obey that command which came directly from Jesus. He said, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.”
The first step in evangelism is obedience. We must take that command from Jesus seriously and find out what part He has for us to play in it.
I must confess that when God impressed on my heart that I should become a preaching evangelist, I was very reluctant.
Over the years, though, I have learned the truth of that old saying: God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. If you make yourself available to God…if you obey His call even though you feel inadequate…He will use you in His Kingdom.
Jesus said that wherever you go to tell people about Him, He will be with you.
What a promise! You have the God of the universe by your side.
“If you make yourself available to God…if you obey His call even though you feel inadequate…He will use you in His Kingdom.”
Mark 16:15
“Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”