Making Room to Hear God
A lot of times people say to me, “Luis, I want to know God’s calling on my life. But I just can’t hear Him clearly.” Does this sound familiar? Maybe you have said this type of thing before. I know, in my younger years, I did!
Oftentimes, people can’t hear God because we don’t make time for listening to God! We are busy, running errands and working hard in our careers, but all these good things can end up being noise. It distracts us from hearing our true calling.
In order to hear God clearly, we need to create the time and space to listen to God! This means shutting down Facebook, avoiding our “to do” list, turning off the TV, and quieting the room to really be with Him.
Are you making time to listen to God? Or is your schedule a little too busy? King David, in the Bible, must have been a busy man, but he wrote in Psalm 5, “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”
I urge you this week to clear some daily time to listen to God as David did. Ask Him for clarity about your calling. Then, ask for courage to live out the calling God has placed on your heart by the blessed Holy Spirit.
“In order to hear God clearly, we need to create the time and space to listen to God!”
Psalm 5:3
“In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”