Living and Active
I get messages from people all the time, wondering, “How in the world do I communicate with God? How do I hear from Him?”
As you read the Bible—as you listen attentively—expect that God will speak to you.
Sometimes you’re going to gain some truth and wisdom—big-picture stuff that just serves you all of the days of your life.
And at other times a verse will jump out at you, and it seems to be addressing the specific challenges of your life right now—right in the moment! God speaks through His word.
Reading the word (that’s the Bible) daily—is essential to your spiritual growth. Trust that it is living and active—able to shape your life every step of the way.
Will you open up your Bible—open up your Bible app? Do it today! Try starting with the book of John—I really encourage you—let God speak to you through the life of Jesus in the book of John. Start today!