Life is Short
Each time I see a racing ambulance I am reminded that life is short. At any moment, any of us could take our last breath. It’s a sobering thought. Life is fragile. Every day 155,000 people die.
But, for those of us who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, we can take great comfort in the fact that God knows all these things. He is sovereign and has ultimate rule over our lives.
As Psalm 139 says, “all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
My family and I were in a horrible plane crash. Ever since then I’ve looked at each day determined to live life abundantly.
Though there is comfort in knowing that God has a plan, that nothing catches Him off-guard, the uncertainty of tomorrow really should be a powerful motivator for today. Because we don’t know what tomorrow holds for us, or for others, we must make the most of every day, every interaction, and every conversation.
Friend, there are too many people who still need to hear about Jesus Christ. We all have a story to share. Together, we should take advantage of every day we are alive.
If God has placed someone on your heart, perhaps a family member or co-worker or neighbor, don’t delay. Pray for that person and pray for your own boldness and compassion. Then share with them the Good News of Jesus Christ. Now is the best time. It’s the time you have to reach your world.
“Because we don’t know what tomorrow holds for us, or for others, we must make the most of every day, every interaction, and every conversation.”
Psalm 139
“Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”