Jesus' Call to You


An immensely meaningful influence on my Dad’s young life was Mr. Charles Rogers, a church planter and evangelist.

His wife, Mrs. Rogers, signed my Dad’s childhood autograph book. She drew a cottage in the corner of one page. The tiny house sat lonely in the dark. But out from its window poured tremendous beams of light, lighting up the darkness.

Under the picture, she wrote, “Let your light shine,” quoting the words of our Lord Jesus in Matthew 5:16. That picture was so vivid that even then my Dad took it as a message from the Lord. He knew he was supposed to take the light of Jesus Christ to the world.

My grandmother prayed that he would do just that. When Dad was a teen, she said: “Go to towns that don’t have a church! Take the Gospel. Plant churches.” She urged him to get going.

He replied, “Mom, I’m waiting for the call.”
“The call?” she said. “The call went out two thousand years ago, Luis! The Lord’s waiting for your answer.”

I’m so grateful that my Dad answered that call. One night while he was proclaiming the Good News, I sat in the stands with tears in my eyes. That night, I gave my life to Jesus Christ and everything changed.

What about you? Have you answered God’s call to let your light shine?        

 “Have you answered God’s call to let your light shine?”


Matthew 5:16

“In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.”