Identity Crisis
An older man I know recently retired. He went from working daily, to being unsure of how to fill his time. As many people do, he faced a bit of a crisis. He realized that much of his identity had resulted from his career.
Do you have a tendency to get your self-worth from something other than God? Maybe it’s your job, or your education, or your spouse.
We think that those things will bring us security and meaning, but eventually we discover that only God can truly bring us the peace, fulfillment, and significance we crave.
Jesus tells us to “seek the kingdom of God above all else.” If we put other things first in our lives, it’s inevitable that we will face struggles and identity crises because that isn’t how God intended us to live.
Follow Him closely and let your identity be found in the fact that you are His beloved child.
“Follow Him closely and let your identity be found in the fact that you are His beloved child.”
Matthew 6:33
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”