How can they hear?
For some reason, God, in His sovereignty, has chosen people to share His message of hope with the world.
That’s His plan. Us! You might be listening to me and think: Well, that’s you, Wendy. Not me. I just need to live my life.
But if you walk with Jesus, if you know Him, you are called to represent Him to the world. You carry the Light of Life in you.
Paul asked the question in Romans 10. He says,
“How can people hear about Jesus without someone preaching to them?” That word “preach” just means to proclaim, to tell.
I know there is someone in your life who needs to hear that God is good. Use your mouth to tell them how good God has been to you.
Always remember there is hope with God.
“I know there is someone in your life who needs to hear that God is good. Use your mouth to tell them how good God has been to you.”
Romans 10:14
“How can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?”