Are you struggling? Do you feel abandoned by God? I think we all go through times where we struggle to feel the hope in God.
There was a time in my life when my son, Andrew, had fallen away from the Lord. He was living a wild life filled with partying and worldliness.
As much as I tried to share the Good News with him or talk to him about faith, I felt him pulling away. But God kept me convicted. I felt the Lord saying to me “do not give up on Andrew. I am with you. I’m working on him.” So I kept on reaching out, and praying for Andrew.
And guess what? At just the right moment Andrew, our son, finally surrendered to Jesus at age 27. At last Andrew understood God’s grace, and repented, and God changed his entire life. In fact, Andrew went from a worldly life of sin to being an evangelist. Can you believe it?!
Only God could change someone’s life in that way. Only God is the source of true everlasting hope.
Consider the person or situation in your life where you need God to move. The Bible says in Job 6:8, “Oh, that I might have my request, that God would grant what I hope for.”
Pray to God! Share your request with Him. And be alert and expectant, because He is already at work. Suddenly you’ll get your chance to share Jesus Christ.
“Only God is the source of true everlasting hope.”
Job 6:8
“Oh, that I might have my request, that God would grant what I hope for.”