One of my favorite things is being at home with my family around me: the grandkids hanging out, my children laughing and talking, lots of food.
I am so grateful for a family that loves each other and loves the Lord. Growing a godly family can be difficult, though, and part of the daily work of evangelism is filling your home with the word of God.
The outside world is often loud and scary, filled with broken and sad people. Our homes need to be filled with God’s joy and be secure in God’s love.
Not just for our own family’s sake but also for anyone who might come into our homes needing a safe place. Our homes can be an important place of evangelism, where we can share God’s love with those who need it.
Joshua said in the Old Testament, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” This commitment should be a focus of our daily life. We need to pray for and support our families so that they grow closer to God and serve Him with joy.
We also need to encourage our spouses, our kids, our grandkids, and everyone who comes into our homes. We must remind them that God loves them and has a plan for their lives.
If our homes are Christ-centered, people will want to be around us and our families. Then we can share the Good News of God’s love with them and show them that they can be at home with Christ also.
“Our homes can be an important place of evangelism, where we can share God’s love with those who need it.”
Joshua 24:15
“But as for me and my family, we will serve the LORD.”