Grappling With the Unexpected
When awful and unexpected things happen in our lives, it’s easy to feel like God is far away or like He’s forgotten about you. Have you ever felt like yelling out, “God, where are you?!”
When Moses was wandering in the desert as a shepherd, I suspect he felt that nothing in his life had gone according to plan. But in that moment God spoke through a burning bush, sending him to bring freedom to his people.
Moses wanted to the tell the people who had sent him. And God said, “I am who I am.” The Hebrew literally translates, “I will be who I will be,” and there’s a sense that God is the self-contained source of all life—the origin of all that exists.
If you are suffering, or feeling far from God—I can promise you He has not left you. The Holy Spirit of God is near to you and He wants to restore your life. Don’t give up. Look for Him and you will find Him.
“If you are suffering, or feeling far from God—I can promise you He has not left you. The Holy Spirit of God is near to you and He wants to restore your life.”
Exodus 3:14
“God replied to Moses,‘I am who i am. Say this to the people of Israel: I am has sent me to you.”’