God's Word


The Bible is a wonderful book. It is of great importance to me because, when I read it, God speaks to me. I get to know Him through reading His Word.

If you are not familiar with the Bible, start reading it today.  In it you will find wonderful promises from God that will encourage your heart. You will read verses that will give you the truths that will shape your life.

I would suggest that you start reading in the book of John. It has 21 chapters. If you read just one per day, in three weeks you’ll have a clear picture of Jesus. You will see who He really is, and why He came to live on Earth as a man. You will learn of the salvation and eternal life that He offers you right now. 

This one book of the Bible – the Gospel of John – is a treasure house of wisdom and truth. I encourage you to get into it today.

And always remember, there is hope with God.

“This one book of the Bible – the Gospel of John – is a treasure house of wisdom and truth. I encourage you to get into it today.” 

John 21:24

“This disciple is the one who testifies to these events and has recorded them here. And we know that his account of these things is accurate.”