Share God's Unchanging Messaging


You and I both know that we live in a changing world. Styles change, world leaders rise and fall, pop culture icons come and go.

But God’s message is unchanging. In fact, I’ve been sharing the same Good news all over the world for fifty years — and each time I share it, I am amazed by how relevant and important it is to people of all ages, races, and cultural backgrounds.

When we share the Good News with others, we not only share the gift of Salvation, but we also grow in our own understanding of God’s love, grace, and steadfastness.

The Bible says in Philemon 1:6, “I pray that you will be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.” Isn’t that a fabulous promise?

This week, pray about ways you can spread the Good News. Take heart in knowing that the message you share about Jesus will never go away.

Then, I urge you, my friend, to share openly and intentionally about what Jesus has done in your life. As you tell of Jesus to others, you will learn more of God’s goodness yourself.

I challenge you to pray: “Lord, I want that experience. I want to know what it is to lead someone to Jesus Christ.” He will use you. Believe me!

“When we share the Good News with others, we not only share the gift of Salvation, but we also grow in our own understanding of God’s love, grace, and steadfastness.”



Philemon 1:6

“I pray that your partnership in the faith may become effective as you fully acknowledge every good thing that is ours in Christ.”