God's Boundless Love
How do you think God feels about you? Would He only begin loving and caring about you if you chose to follow Him?
No! Not at all. God has always loved you. He loves you even if you don’t believe in Him, even when you might feel disillusioned with Him.
If you are rebelling against Him, God still loves you. A friend of mine likes to tell people, “Even on your worst day, God is crazy about you.”
Jesus came to the world to show us what God is like. He is love. Complete, sacrificial love. And He wants you to know Him.
Sometimes the love we experience in our relationships lets us down. The love God has for us is steadfast and true. He will never fail us. Open your heart and accept His love today.
To learn more, go to hope with God dot com.
“The love God has for us is steadfast and true. He will never fail us.”
1 John 4:10
“This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.”