God Can Transform You
Do you believe that God can transform you? This is what God does!
In 1 Samuel 10, there’s a beautiful sentence about a young man named Saul, who was told that he would be king. Then we’re told that God changed Saul’s heart.
The word used for change here means, to turn about—to overturn. Saul was actually given a new heart.
Do you need a new heart?
God can do this. This happened to another man in the Bible also named Saul, a thousand years later. He hated Jesus… until he encountered Him. His name was changed to Paul and he actually became the writer of the majority of the New Testament.
God is in the business of transforming us. And He can transform you!
Ask Him, my friend, to reveal Himself to you. He is calling you, promising you…I will transform your heart.
“God is in the business of transforming us. And He can transform you!”
1 Samuel 10:9
“As Saul turned and started to leave, God gave him a new heart, and all Samuel’s signs were fulfilled that day.”