Security in Financial Difficulties
After my dad died when I was a young boy, our family quickly plunged from relative wealth to desperate poverty. We lost it all: property, farms, vehicles and employees.
Yet even when we had nothing, I don’t recall a sense of despair in the house. Some days, all we had to eat was a big loaf of French bread, flavored over the fire with a little garlic. But at each meal we would get on our knees and thank the Lord for what we had.
You might think that this poverty would close my mom’s heart, but it didn’t. Not even scarcity could dry up Mom’s generous spirit. In fact, her selfless outlook prompted her to continue helping others.
My mom taught us six kids that looking to God as the only source of our security broadens our focus and gives us a heart for people—even those better off than we are.
You might have a friend who doesn’t know the Lord who is in a financial crisis. Or maybe, you know a young person just out of college, struggling to get a steady job. Take this opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
When people know Jesus, they can turn to God as their Provider and find their ultimate security in Him.
Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” What a motivating, exciting promise that is!
“…looking to God as the only source of our security broadens our focus and gives us a heart for people—even those better off than we are.”
Matthew 6:33
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”