

Do you have endurance…and patience? These are qualities in life that can be very elusive at times.

We find it so difficult to be patient. Endurance can be something we want to avoid simply because hard things are hard.

The word endurance means to remain under. It’s the image of carrying a heavy load that takes great strength to bear. Endurance can be so difficult.

One of the beautiful promises in the Bible is that when we know God, and when we grow in the knowledge of Him, He will strengthen us with power so that we will have endurance and patience. 

Do you know Him? Instead of being weighed down by your trouble, turn your heart, your mind, your thoughts to the living God.

“Instead of being weighed down by your trouble, turn your heart, your mind, your thoughts to the living God.”

Mark 13:13

“And everyone will hate you because you are my followers. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.”