In my darkest moments, when the night feels heavy on me and fear seems to take hold, I find comfort in one simple truth - that I am loved.
The most beautiful truth is that God doesn’t love the way we do with strings, behavior dependent, with a rod of correction over us. His love is beyond human.
I wish I understood the fullness of His love. but I’ve tasted enough of it that moves me. A love that is unchanging. A love that is humble and kind and strong. And a love that became obedient to death on a cross thousands of years ago. And it ministers hope to me here today.
When I remember this love it steadies me, comforts me like nothing else can. This love is for you too. You can receive comfort from His love.
“The most beautiful truth is that God doesn’t love the way we do with strings, behavior dependent, with a rod of correction over us. His love is beyond human.”
1 John 4:16
“We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.”