Choosing Love
When our world erupts in chaos, it is natural to feel afraid. Life is unpredictable, and we can be fragile creatures. And yet, if we truly trust in God, that trust will make us brave.
When we are brave, we can do brave things: like choosing love over fear. Choosing love can be difficult. When life is in turmoil, it can be easier to blame others and get angry. Or we can become anxious and afraid over the state of things, and do nothing.
The hardest choice is to love those around us, engaging with their pain and forgiving those who contribute to the chaos. This choice will bring about a measure of healing through God’s love.
As the Bible says, God’s very nature is love. So when we choose love, we bring God to those around us. We become representatives of Him, His hands and feet in this world. We take His love into every situation we encounter.
Then, instead of adding to the chaos and anger, we can listen to and care for those who are in pain. This requires time, energy, and trust in God’s divine plan. It is the brave thing to do, and it is the right thing to do.
Ultimately, this love of God will guide those in pain and point them to the power of Christ So, choose love over fear, and be an instrument of change in your world.
“The hardest choice is to love those around us, engaging with their pain and forgiving those who contribute to the chaos.”
1 Peter 4:8
“Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.”