Caring for One Another


What does it look like to love and follow Jesus?

With all of our unique gifts and abilities, serving God can look different to each person. But God wants to weave one common thread through the lives of all His followers—love. You can express your love for God by caring for someone else in need.

Jesus once asked His disciple, Peter, “‘ you love me?’ ‘Yes, Lord,’ Peter replied, ‘You know that I love you.’ And Jesus told him, ‘Then care for my sheep.’”

Jesus sees us as His beloved children—like a flock—and He is our Good Shepherd. He greatly desires that we would treat each other with the same love that He has shown to us.

Together, we can be Jesus’ hands and feet, making His amazing love visible to all the earth!

Will you pause now? Ask God to show you—how His love can flow through your life to care for His sheep?

“Together, we can be Jesus’ hands and feet, making His amazing love visible to all the earth!”

John 21:16

“Take care of my sheep.”