Jesus Wants to Lift Your Heavy Burdens


How do we come to Jesus? You know, Jesus says in the New Testament, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened down, and I will give you rest."

We carry so many things in our lives that burden us down. What is burdening you today? Maybe it's a financial difficulty. Maybe it's a relationship, you know, difficult relationships burden us down, maybe a marriage that is causing you to carry around a heavy weight. Maybe a child that is breaking your heart. Maybe sickness or illness or fear. There's so many things in life that burden us down.

And when Jesus sees us, he says, "Come." He doesn't say, do this, this and this. He doesn't give us a five step program and say, come after you do these things. He just says, "Come."

How do we come to Jesus? You know, in the New Testament, people came to Jesus in so many different ways. Many came to him, on their knees. Many walked up to him, you know, there are many that just call to him and said, "Jesus, Lord, Messiah help me." And every single time people called to Jesus, and people came to Jesus, he received them, and he was so gentle, and he was so kind.

And most of the time, he said, "Do you believe that I am able to help you?" You see, he says, "If you come to me, you must believe that I am who I say I am."

And I want to ask you, my friend, first of all, will you come to him today? Will you come? That burden that you are carrying is too heavy for you. It is too heavy, it is weighing you down and it is making you weary. And as you come to Him, do you believe that he is who He says? He is the Savior of the world, the king, the only one with the authority and the power to take your burden, to take your heaviness to heal you, to forgive you, to restore you. That is the Jesus who says to you today, "Come, you're weary. Come and I will give you rest."

“He is the Savior of the world, the king, the only one with the authority and the power to take your burden, to take your heaviness to heal you, to forgive you, to restore you.”



Matthew 11:28

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”