Breaking the Chain of Sin


When you visit a hospital, you see people with various diseases or injuries confining them to bed.  They need medicine and special care before they are free to go out and live a normal life.

Just as an illness can bind our bodies, sin is a chain around our souls.  Jesus Christ is the only one who can free us from this chain and give us new life.  “Salvation is found in no one else,” the Bible says in Acts 4:12.

Would you like to live free in Jesus Christ?  Make the decision today to receive Him into your life.  He brings healing. 

I know because I have experienced it myself.  At the age of 27 I asked Jesus to free me from the sins that had a hold on me and I gave my life over to Him.  He has brought me joy and blessings.  I pray that you too will receive Him today.

“Just as an illness can bind our bodies, sin is a chain around our souls. Jesus Christ is the only one who can free us from this chain and give us new life.” 

Acts 4:12

“There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.”