Jesus Loves to Bless Children
My friend David had the privilege of interviewing more than a dozen third to sixth graders. Each child sat on a “hot seat” and answered five questions. The first four answers were easy: name, grade, number of siblings, and how many years they’ve gone to church.
The final answer was a little tougher: talk about when it’s hard for you to trust God. David was amazed at their responses.
First, they had a much shorter list of reasons than adults usually do. Second, several of the children honestly and sincerely told him, “It’s always been easy for me to trust God.” That’s exactly the way Jesus wants it to be.
In the Gospels, we see Jesus blessing children. We see Him feeding them. We even see Jesus using a little boy’s sack lunch to feed the multitudes and collect 12 baskets full of leftovers.
Beyond that, we see Jesus healing boys and girls who are demon-possessed and curing others who are sick and dying. He even resurrects a 12-year-old girl who had just died and an older boy who had died a few hours earlier.
As we reach our world for Jesus Christ, let’s be sure to share His deep love for children. They understand it. They embrace it, and they have eternal life.
“As we reach our world for Jesus Christ, let’s be sure to share His deep love for children. They understand it. They embrace it, and they have eternal life.”
Mark 10:16
“And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.”