Be Patient


Years ago, God put on my heart the desire to share the Good News with New York City. I had a dream of reaching the most diverse and influential city in the world with the love of Jesus Christ, because if New York could see a Jesus-revolution, it could surely affect the whole world!

At the time, I wanted it badly—but God had other plans. He sent me to London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Buenos Aires, Washington D.C.—but not New York. Then, friends at a church in New York invited our Evangelistic Association to come share the Good News in the City. 

The point I’m trying to make is this: sometimes, when we want something, we want it now—but God’s timing is different. Even though I would have loved to have a festival in New York City several years ago, I believe God was preparing me by sending me first to other major cities.

Has God put something on your heart? Do you feel He wants you to reach others with His good news—but doors just aren’t yet opening? Don’t lose heart. Be patient. Keep praying for God to direct you.

The Lord’s timing is always perfect. That’s why 2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise...” God’s timing is best. Always!

“Sometimes, when we want something, we want it now—but God’s timing is different.”



2 Peter 3:9

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise…”