The Second Way To Become Whole


Hebrews 4:15 [MSG] says that Jesus has “been through weakness and testing, [and] experienced it all—all but the sin.”

While Jesus was the perfect Son of God, He experienced it all, indeed, including apparent personal growth. This enabled Him to relate fully with others.

The same can be true for us socially. First, we need proper exercise socially. How? By cultivating existing friendships. By keeping in touch with family. By praying for others by name. 

Second, we need proper nourishment socially. How? By identifying our closest friends. By cultivating deep friendships. By inviting trusted friends to speak into our lives with truth and grace. In turn, by actively encouraging our best friend to become the man or woman God wants them to be.

Third, we need proper rest socially. How? By enjoying the great outdoors. By appreciating down time before an appointment. By meditating on God’s Word. By taking extended time to worship and pray privately.

In everything, let’s give thanks to God for blessing us with the joys that come from good social exercise, nourishment, and rest. 

“In everything, let’s give thanks to God for blessing us with the joys that come from good social exercise, nourishment, and rest.”



Hebrews 4:15

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.”