Be Available


As I read the Old Testament, I am amazed at how many times God calls to a person and that person responds, “Here I am!”

A few examples are Abraham, Moses and Samuel. Think of the prophet Isaiah who, when the Lord said, “Whom shall I send?” He answered, “Here am I. Send me!”

When I think about these men and their responses, I am amazed by the grace of our God. These were ordinary men. Yet, Almighty God used them to win battles, lead millions of people, counsel kings, and shape history. God used them to accomplish His purposes, despite their inadequacies and fears. The Holy Spirit came upon them to fulfill God’s purposes for cities and even nations.

What about you and me? Are you available? Available to God? When He calls, do you respond immediately with, “Here am I. Send me!”? Or do you falter or put conditions on your responses like, “Here I am, but not if what you’re asking me to do puts me out of my comfort zone.”

Through Christ, we can be available to God. As you go about your day, pray for opportunities to share the Good News. God will answer. He wants people to be rescued!

Jesus said, in John 16:23, “I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” So, start asking for a chance to share Jesus Christ and His work, and bless your friends.

“Through Christ, we can be available to God.”



John 16:23

“I tell you the truth. My Father will give you anything you ask for in my name.”