A White Stone
God is an intimate God. He is personal and relational. In Revelation, as He’s encouraging the churches to overcome, He says: “I will give them a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it.”
What is this white stone? A white stone was given as a sign of an alliance, a testimony of a friendship.
There is beautiful imagery like this scattered throughout the Bible that reminds us that God is intimate and personal. He wants to be your friend. He knows your name.
Are you a friend of God? You can be. No matter what you’ve done or what’s been done to you, you are deeply loved. Submit your life to Him today.
“Are you a friend of God? You can be. No matter what you’ve done or what’s been done to you, you are deeply loved.”
Revelation 2:17
“I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it.”