Answering the Call


I’m an evangelist. I don’t work alone. With me is a wonderful team, each one of whom is fervently committed to carrying out Jesus’ Great Commission. 

Jesus Himself had a team – His disciples. And what a team it must have been! Different backgrounds. Different perspectives. They didn’t always agree. They often argued. Yet they loved the Lord and they persevered. God used them to change the world.

We have that same directive from Jesus today: go into all the world and preach the Gospel. And He promised to be with us always if we obey His command.

God has placed you and me in this specific time and place for a reason. He wants to use us to bring glory to His name and hope to a lost world. If you can, become part of a team of Jesus followers who proclaim Him boldly. 

“God has placed you and me in this specific time and place for a reason. He wants to use us to bring glory to His name and hope to a lost world.” 

Mark 16:15

“And then he told them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.’ ”